Sorry again about my very delayed response to your last message on this subject. Life has been too complicated over the last couple of months...
In your last message you said,
I copied all the values from wp-w3all-config/config.php to the above code in class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php so it looks like this:axew3 wrote:In fact to test that it is the problem, if you change this part into actual code, on file /class.wp.w3all-phpbb.phpassigning connection values manually, like so $w3all_config_db["dbname"] = 'my_db_name';Code: Select all
$w3all_config_db["dbhost"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbhost"]; $w3all_config_db["dbport"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbport"]; $w3all_config_db["dbname"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbname"]; $w3all_config_db["dbuser"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbuser"]; $w3all_config_db["dbpasswd"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbpasswd"]; $w3all_config_db["table_prefix"] = $dbc["w3all_phpbb_dbtableprefix"];
you'll see that the problem on deleting users on scenarios like your where i know the same happen (i've see the same into another mums) should result to be fixed.
Code: Select all
$w3all_config_db["dbhost"] = $dbc["localhost"];
$w3all_config_db["dbport"] = $dbc[""];
$w3all_config_db["dbname"] = $dbc["mywebsite_phpbb"];
$w3all_config_db["dbuser"] = $dbc["mywebsite_phpbb"];
$w3all_config_db["dbpasswd"] = $dbc["mypassword"];
$w3all_config_db["table_prefix"] = $dbc["phpbb_"];
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_results() on string in /home/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/www/ WP_w3all_phpbb::wp_w3all_get_phpbb_user_info_by_email() #1 /home/www/ WP_w3all_phpbb::wp_w3all_phpbb_delete_user_signup() #2 /home/www/ w3all_wpmu_delete_user() #3 /home/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /home/www/ WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /home/www/ do_action() #6 /home/www/ wpmu_delete_user() #7 {main} thrown in /home/www/ on line 2067