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2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:49 pm
by axew3

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== Changelog ==

= 2.2.9 =
*Release Date - 02 Mar, 2020*
* Fix: 'create_phpBB_user_wpms()' function, to correctly add users into phpBB without errors, on certain configurations
* Fix: same mentioned function to correctly handle last added 'Fix Signups' option
* Fix: (iframe links switch widgets/shortcode) 'function w3all_iframe_href_switch()' wrongly enqueued into wp_head hook (now it has been correctly switched into wp_footer). It was may causing that even with option 'switch links to point to iframe' active into main plugin admin page, the switch for links on widget and shorcodes was not working (and without overall_header.html code applied, phpBB real url display/open, because links were pointing to real phpBB urls (not switched))

Re: 2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:18 am
by Dysphoria
So, for all the new updates I just need to update page-forum.php and the resizer? Or is there anything else? Just to be sure.

Re: 2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:23 am
by axew3
Hello! Nothing at all, just update the plugin.

P.s the created page-forum into template folder, and phpBB js code, are substantially completely independent, not updated when plugin update (that's maybe obvious). Each time something happen about iframe changes (js lib files, page forum or phpBB overall_footerORheader code) it is always noticed into Changelog or releases related forum's posts.

What about the widget result into your example, still with index.php/index.php?

Re: 2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:07 am
by Dysphoria
Oh, thank you!

Yeah, it's still doing that weird thing. Now there are three index.php/, lol.

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Re: 2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:52 pm
by axew3
Yeah it was coming out with 3 also before: the fix apllied can't affect the result you have, because this fix affect only the fact that when you point mouse over links into widgets or shortcodes, it is switched to point to WP forum page, instead then direct phpBB real url. It is seo tricky, and with overall_header.html code, you could also disable the option to switch links for iframe, because any real url will cause by the way a page reload, to the WP forum page (with iframed phpBB).
This Javavascript code, was added (wrongly) since last updates, enqueued to header, now into footer but this not change substantially nothing about the problem you have, because in your case it seem to me (but may i'm wrong):
when links are built into views/phpbb_last_topics.php

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 if ( $w3all_iframe_phpbb_link_yn == 1 ){ // if on iframe mode, links are in this way (js trick x seo added)

  	// this build the iframe href to switch to, if iframe links are active: the url to iframed Wp page is only passed onmouseover, so a crawler will see the real phpBB url to topic/post, while user will be redirect to iframed WP page

  	// see wp_w3all.php -> function w3all_widget_iframe_href(){

  	$ih = get_home_url()."/index.php/$wp_w3all_forum_folder_wp/?forum_id=$value->forum_id&topic_id=$value->topic_id&post_id=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id";  

  	$idsh = 'w3all' . $countn . mt_rand(999,500000); // guess (+- surely) to not build a duplicated ID for the 'a' element on page output, even with multiple widgets/shortcodes instances on same page ...
I would really know, what exactly this

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into above code, cause the fact that it return index.php/index.php/index.php

if you substitute this line:

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$ih = get_home_url()."/index.php/$wp_w3all_forum_folder_wp/?forum_id=$value->forum_id&topic_id=$value->topic_id&post_id=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id";  
with this in your case:

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$ih = "$wp_w3all_forum_folder_wp/?forum_id=$value->forum_id&topic_id=$value->topic_id&post_id=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id";  
if you can try this, without having under hand the thing, may we can do a step over about the problem ... this is a stupid fix, like many other could
if you applied let me know the result, so we'll know what about

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the other is to know, and there are no other possibilities, what $w3all_url_to_cms output here (little more after the above):

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 	if ( $w3all_avatars_yn ){

  	     		  echo "<li class=\"".$w3all_lastopics_style_li_class."\"><table style=\"border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;vertical-align:middle;margin:0;border:0;\"><tr><td style=\"border:0;width:".$w3all_last_t_avatar_dim."px;\">".$w3all_avatar_display."</td><td style=\"border:0;width:auto\"><a id=\"".$idsh."\" onmouseover=\"w3allIframeHref('".$idsh."','".$ih."');\" href=\"$w3all_url_to_cms/viewtopic.php?f=$value->forum_id&amp;t=$value->topic_id&amp;p=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id\">$value->topic_title</a> ".$w3all_post_state_ru."<br />".__( 'by ' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' )." $value->topic_last_poster_name ".__( 'at ' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' ) . date_i18n( 'H:i Y-m-d', $value->topic_last_post_time + ( 3600 * get_option( 'gmt_offset' )) ) ."</td></tr></table></li>\n";


  	     	} else {

  	     			echo "<li class=\"".$w3all_lastopics_style_li_class."\"><a id=\"".$idsh."\" onmouseover=\" w3allIframeHref('".$idsh."','".$ih."');\" href=\"$w3all_url_to_cms/viewtopic.php?f=$value->forum_id&amp;t=$value->topic_id&amp;p=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id\">$value->topic_title</a> ".$w3all_post_state_ru."<br />".__( 'by' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' )." $value->topic_last_poster_name ".__( 'at ' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' ) . date_i18n( 'H:i Y-m-d', $value->topic_last_post_time + ( 3600 * get_option( 'gmt_offset' )) ) ."</li>\n";

adding just before:

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if ( $w3all_avatars_yn ){

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$w3all_url_to_cms = '';
that should be the value you had have set into plugin admin for the option URL that point to phpBB
then we'll know what's wrong with your config/result

Re: 2.2.9 phpBB WordPress released

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:16 am
by Dysphoria
Hey, sorry for my late response. I've done this, but it actually gives the same problem.