Code: Select all
= 2.0.1 =
*Release Date - ? Dic, 2019*
* Add: option 'List phpBB users with duplicated usernames or emails' into WP w3all check tasks page, and unwanted chars into phpBB usernames list (so it is now complete of all the necessary to be up and running in minutes)
* Add: Thickbox for phpbb_last_topics_withimage_output_shortcode.php, that open images into Thickbox when clicked on
* Fix: new login widget to display failed login message if it occur
* Minor security Fix: cookies released to be http only
* Add: w3allcustomiframe shortcode
About embed phpBB posts into WordPress side or any other content ...
it is coming the:
w3allcustomiframe shortcode
What it do?
Display any content, into any wordpress page, passing just the url.
So, the forum can display anywhere.
A Topic, or any other phpBB page, included print_view displayed into wordpress. I find it really nice. Isn't it?
An example online will be provided soon.
With resizer, or as fixed height.
The shortcode w3allcustomiframe can embed via iframe any content, also cross domain.
The shortcode can be styled as like.
The shortcode run also without linking users, so the plugin can be used also only for this scope.