My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »

After all, I tried again to put my config to php 8.0 and it still show a blank page, I must go back to php 7.4 to have the forum... Here is the console report :
Capture d’écran 2024-08-04 à 11.48.18.png
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by axew3 »

Hi! Sorry, but it seem that it return an error your phpBB, not the iframe.
And the error seem to me coming earlier into your system.

So i advice you to proceed as follow:

DISABLE ALL EXTENSIONS, and if this still return error after 8 upgrade, SETUP YOUR THEME to be the default prosilver.

the first you have to think before to proceed with phpBB updates or if something goes wrong, IS to DO THE UPDATE to php8 or when doing mayor changes, like updating phpBB, setting the environment to be the most near to a clean situation or, normally, the code that has been developed by coders all around, that follow often their rules without caring if you'll after have all broken when you go to update, if you are not skilled to reverse and fix the problem that go to create errors.
Clean the cache before to update.

So resuming: before to switch to php8, set your phpBB with all extensions disabled. Clean up the phpBB cache.
Then switch.
If it fail again on work fine, then switch to the default prosilver, because maybe it is the theme that is giving errors.

Let me know, i will take a look
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »


Okay, I'll try it this week and I'll let you know if I've found the problem.

Thank you 🙏🏻
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »


I found what was the problem, it was an ext that not support php8.0 (recent topics) and crashed my forum. Thank you for the help, and sorry to have said the problem is your plugin.
You do really great job, I'm really gratefull for this.
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