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Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:35 am
by Ezrael
Thanks. I uncommented the code, activated recompiling, and emptied the cache, but unfortunately, the issue remains the same. The Lightbox only appears at the height of the first post.

Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:37 am
by ale
Ok going to give it a try.
P.s: i see that the phpBB template, while correctly display my ale avatar on a smart mobile, it fail on loading it, when i open the forum as axew3 via pc browser. What kind of changes they did on last phpBB update? :?

Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:05 am
by axew3
Ok, let me log here also others required fixes i will try to improve all in once:
i note that the phpbb_alert (for example when the image is too large) appears, like the lightbox images popup, when the topic's posts are many, into the top of the page, and not at the post position we are at on the topic.

P.s i see also that lightbox extension thrown an error on frontend once it has been activated, but his options, on related Acp posts options, have still not activated.

Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:43 am
by axew3
Going to update the code with something like this, that will load the image popup, just over the post we are on:

Code: Select all

$(".postimage").on("click", function(e) {
	var topg = $($(this.getBoundingClientRect().top));
	 var t = parseInt(topg[Object.keys(topg)[0]]);
	$("#lightbox").animate({top: t+'px'}, 100);
it seem to work like a charm.
It will substitute all the old code about this.
Let add to the same behavior, the phpBB error message alert.
Try it! Remove the two above pieces of code, or leave them commented, and add this instead.
Look like a very cool result.

p.s #lightboxOverlay wrapper maybe is best: i mean, get the element height and move the #lightbox (image inside of it) on the bottom of it. Lead to the same. But would be ever exact. Let check the definitive way asap this night.

Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:55 am
by Ezrael
Wow! Is working like it should! Thanks! Thats an big improvement for me

Re: iFrame integration doesn't work with phpbb Lightbox Extension

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:57 am
by axew3
the definitive and exact way to do this is coming
p.s #lightboxOverlay wrapper maybe is best: i mean, get the element height and move the #lightbox (image inside of it) on the bottom of it. Lead to the same. But would be ever exact. Let check the definitive way asap this night.