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Re: Same user ID in WP

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:27 am
by axew3
So, the scenario is, you let register users in phpBB, then an user register into phpBB, and is added in WordPress, as subscriber, while you would like him added into wp Contributor group instead?
... looking ...
ah nice one!
Well, the actual code unchanged from long time, just do this, you're right:
admin in phpBB -> admin in wp
moderator in phpBB -> editor in wp
all others, as subscribers.

On the wild, you could change code with easy to accomplish with this.
And i assume will work.

Into file:
search for this line, (two times into file, same instruction, change both):

Code: Select all

 }  else { $role = 'subscriber'; }  // for all others phpBB Groups default to WP subscriber
change into:

Code: Select all

 }  else { $role = 'contributor'; }  // for all others phpBB Groups default to WP subscriber
then open wp_w3all.php and do the same into a single line, like the above.

We can provide option for this, so do this until 2.1.2, which will provide an option to add new coming phpBB users, into a specified WP group.
This option will be available since 2.1.2 next coming.