Pre-Installation Questions (Buddyboss) passwords and more

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Re: Pre-Installation Questions (Buddyboss) passwords and more

Post by elawrenc01 »

Ah! Ok! I wasn't sure what the time difference was. I am sending you an email.

Ed L.
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Re: Pre-Installation Questions (Buddyboss) passwords and more

Post by axew3 »

It result that Buddyboss is fully compatible with the integration plugin, anyway it has not been tested deep into any aspect, and still not, when the buddyboss is navigated by APP (his own buddyboss app).

As said into previous post, i do not remember when i had the opportunity to work into a site that was running configured, with also the Buddyboss App, what i did to fix the eventual problem in this case, but always if not wrong, it was just required to detect the url, if containing or not a specific folder as part of the path: if yes, then the page is loaded through APP, and the integration code just excluded when the case occur. Very simple.

Hope that we'll have the opportunity to go deep with this, and anyway, it is time to give a test to buddypress, so to see if all is still working as needed
under any aspect. But i already think that yes. In case the code could be improved, we'll see.
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