just fixed one more, again into
that is really secondary Php error notice, when in debug mode, and phpBB database connection config values still have not added, into config admin page. It is just like to add this, after the code mentioned above, changed into 2.5.1:
so just after (on 2.5.1):
Code: Select all
$phpbb_config = W3PHPBBCONFIG;
} else { $phpbb_config = self::w3all_get_phpbb_config(); }
it has been added:
Code: Select all
if(!defined("W3PHPBBCONFIG")){ // may the connection db values have not still been set
or just replace the file
https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/expo ... -phpbb.php
/wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/ folder
but this was just a really secondary issue, happening in the above mentioned circumstance and leading to no problems