still we have not take the iframe to the next level, but it will be done soon.
The 2.4.0 is still not perfect, but it is fast, and will be further more improved.
It can run into sites with hundred thousand of users without problems. Even in iframe mode.
The code could run also only once when user login, with little changes, leaving the user logged in phpBB and not checking for his phpBB session state at each request. May suitable for sites with million of users (WoW!)
The logic would be: release ever a remember me login for phpBB, and let wordpress sessions take effect: when user is logged out by wordpress, then the code just nullify phpBB session. So only create one when login in wp, destroy once when logged out in wp.
May just session update in phpBB can occur each time (may not, not strictly required). Very, very fast.
The concept of the code, the iframe and all the rest, the point where i'm now, is due to people like you David.
Do you remember how many fails i had on try to fix something for frontend logins in the past?
Each question worth to be considered because, two different cms linked via cookie like this, allow thousand of possible configurations.
Often the solution is implicit and clear, sometime it is not. It is ever easy to do something specific for a configuration or a precise need, but it is often less easy to do something that will work fine on all and any possible circumstance.
Another concept that make all this possible, if the bruteforce easy and rude code: it is so stupid concept, that i'm also surprised on how it is effective now, secure, super light, fast. An integration done the way it is this, but without the bruteforce trick, would be really unsecure.
2.4.0 to 2.5 will add and fix more and more, also thanks to all reports and questions. So just follow please!
The audio and video recorder for phpBB is coming ... i tested a prototype mess code working into my localhost!
It do NOT add nothing or change nothing into phpBB db. It is like a standalone piece of code.
Light and fast! So you'll have the disgrace to listen my voice one of these days. Audio files will be compressed mp3 format, video/audio will be webm format. It seem that safari now support webm. That's great. I will test things before by the way. The time i did a recotder for wordpress in the past, which i will release as free when i will have the time to review the old code, mp4 was the unique crossbrowser suitable format, so you had to use something like ffmpeg to convert into mp4 files the video stream before to be stored. Now all will be easy with webm format
It will be tested here before to be released!