Legitimate user banned

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Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

One of my legitimate users (forum moderator in fact) is suddenly locked out of Wordpress.
He gets this notice from wp_w3all.php:
Notice: your username, IP or email is currently banned into our forum. Please contact an administrator.
I'm not sure why this has happened. I don't think I did anything. :?

What might be the cause and what should I do to unban him?

I tried updating his password, without effect.

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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by axew3 »

Into phpBB ACP, unban the user!
It should be the unique reason why it return that is banned, maybe his email domain (not only the username) or his IP are banned?
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

It's strange because he can log into phpBB.
Only when he tries to log into WP is he blocked.
His Username, email and (far as I can tell) his IP is not banned.
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by axew3 »

into file class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php
the function

Code: Select all

public static function w3_phpbb_ban($phpbb_uid = '', $uname = '', $uemail = ''){
try to check for the ban of the user into phpBB.
I cannot imagine now how could be possible that it return an user as banned if it is not in your case, but it will be surely checked/improved on 2.9.1.
If you note what it could be the reason please let know!
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

Sorry for being a bit clueless about this, but could you spell out how I should try to check for the ban?

By the way - not sure if it has any relevance to this, but I noticed in the latest release of phpBB 3.3.13 (which I just installed) it has:

Rehashing of phpBB2 passwords via cron after upgrade: PHPBB-17351
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

I tried resubmitting the password in phpBB, without effect, so I'm guessing the rehashing is not relevant here.
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