My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

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My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »


I found my problem of blank page with your plugin. Each time I try to put my hosting on php 8.0, the plugin doesn't work correctly anymore, I got blank page on my forum index (or iframe seems not working). But when I'm back to php 7.4 everything works fine again.

Have you already seen this before?

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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by axew3 »

No, the page forum-code should not be the cause, all the plugin code is 7.4 > compatible and i cannot at moment imagine why it could come out.
Do you see any php warning or js error on the browser console?
Have you try to re-build it ? There is the page forum name properly set, into the related option?
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »

I haven't checked the browser console, and didn't tried to rebuilt the page forum. The page forum is correctly named in the settings, so I don't know what is the problem... 🤷🏻‍♂️

You have credentials on my website ( if you want to check anything, but the plugin config is okay for me.
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by axew3 »

beside the fact that i see your forum, and it correctly display but do not scroll, for example, as it should:
it is because your wp and phpBB are coming with www. while you, into the overall_footer.html code, have setup like:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="" defer></script>
but you should set it as:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="" defer></script>
same goes for all values like these, that you have setup:

Code: Select all

var w3allAllowDomain = ''; // MANDATORY! // Set/Change this value with your WordPress URL (example:
var wordpress_url_page_forum = ''; // MANDATORY! // (DO NOT ADD/INCLUDE final slash here) Url that point to your iframed wordpress forum page
var w3all_custom_wp_w3fancyurl = 'w3'; // MANDATORY! If you changed the default w3 to have 'fancy URL' query string into the related WP plugin admin option, then change this value to match the same as it is the fancy URL setting
beside this, LOOK that the last plugin, if you have rebuild the page-forum, then the overall_footer.html code require to be changed. need to be changed because the iframe resizer library has been definitively updated.

If you did not rebuilt the page forum, you can follow with the old code.
My advice is to update to the latest code and the page forum ... iframe-v5/
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »


Thanks for the answer. I've updated to the last version yesterday : 2.8.8 for wp and 2.0.3 for phpbb.
I've not rebuild the page forum... I'll take a look for your instructions and you'll get feedback after. Thank you ! 🙏🏻
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Re: My page forum doesn't work on php 8.0 update

Post by floxshifu »

So !
I've updated following this ... iframe-v5/ and now (after rebuilding page-forum and recompiled style files, cache wiped) my forum is only showing the top of the index, and I can't scroll the index page...

I don't know where is the problem ? I follow all your steps to update the iframe, but it seems not working for me... :oops:

EDIT : on every page, the iframe is not scrolling, I get a cropped page :/

EDIT 2 : problem solved, it was the url config in overall_footer and overall_header, the urls are not all the same to load the jsresizer-child :)

Now everything seems to work fine in the browser console !
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