Images not showing on Wordpress

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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

I will try to cover in another post this aspect that may deserve a solution (maybe two very good solutions, but the complete one i should still finish to figure out).

Think that Peerke refer to the fact that for example, an user could copy the URL base64 encoded (WP page url) and go to share it, so it is true that:
1) if the template integration code will be removed, then those links will lead to nowhere.
2) if a BOT/SPIDER go to check it, because it has been pasted by someone into an external site, will be probably redirected to a NOT FOUND even while the template integration is used, because or will follow the redirect (but i do not know what bots/spiders do in those cases, normally they completely ignore javascript) or also just as the code is, since bots are excluded by run the overall_header js code (it start with <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><script>) then again, the BOT will not found any URL.
Of course bots access to the forum at the real url, and the js code do not affect, but if it is true that a ranking for a site is given also by how many external sites links his url, who know (i don't) if the bots will consider anyway to top up the ranking or simply ignore because the link url do not exist?

So which is the solution to fix this aspect, and since real phpBB urls cannot be used to replace the WP url?
Going to open another topic, because this as you see is away from the original question.
Please open new topics when there are new questions so it will be maybe useful also for someone else.

[EDITED 2 times]
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

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