2.8.5 logs

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Re: 2.8.5 logs

Post by patrik69 »

Ok, I was able to directly access the forum and recompile. ;)
Sorry for my english, i'm french... ;)
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Re: 2.8.5 logs

Post by axew3 »

Yeah but i've find out more errors: the new code, return console origin error into a subdomain/domain template integration and i am looking to fix all for all scenario.

Do not set to NO the recompile option (even if in the while the template load slower until it is set to YES), until you do not made all changes. ANyway into a domain/subdomain integration i am getting error origin on console, i am looking for a fix. I do not remember if your integration is on domain/subdomain or all on same domain. On same domain all should work fine already.

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uncaught DOMException: Permission denied to access property "w3all_ajaxup_from_phpbb" on cross-origin object
so the scroll fail when clicking on links. Going to fix
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Re: 2.8.5 logs

Post by axew3 »

It is coming 2.8.7
where really all about the template integration have been fixed.
The overall_footer.html code change and will use

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window.parent.postMessage(w3appendevents, w3allAllowDomain);
in place of

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so to fix all about origin problems, coming out when the template integration is domain/subdomain.
ex WP at axew3.com and phpBB at forum.axew3.com.

2.8.7 release will fix all about the template integration.
The page-forum.php and the shortcode /views/wp_w3all_phpbb_iframe_short.php file have been also updated.

As released i will return in reply here, going to change the code on files and on the help install page:
anyway i've get an email from wp.org that's informing about the fact that some plugin on repositories have been compromised because somebody have been able to add malicious code to some user's commit. So that probably, the plugin update will be available after that the core team reviewed it.
Maybe they know this from years know, and they will publish without checking nothing in this case ;)
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Re: 2.8.5 logs

Post by axew3 »

2.8.7 has been released

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= 2.8.7 =
*Release Date - 30 Jun, 2024*
* Fix: the shortcode [w3allphpbbiframe] that not fire in certain configurations/php version: it has been fixed to correctly detect when the [w3allphpbbiframe] shortcode require to be added on page/post.
* Fix: the template integration by shortcode and page-forum(orWhatEverNamed).php so to work fine by default into a domain/subdomain integration. Improve it so to listen to the new window.parent.postMessage used into the new overall_footer.html code. 
* Note: to update to these definitive fixes, page-forum.php require to be rebuilt (or manually updated to latest).
* Note: if using a custom version of files 'wp_w3all_phpbb_iframe_short.php' or 'wp_phpbb_iframe_shortcode.php' they also require to be updated to the latest version.
* Note: the definitive overall_footer.html code has been fixed and require AS MANDATORY to be fixed, updating it to the latest: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/
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