Code: Select all
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost/root_integrations/phpbb32/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css?assets_version=9">
Code: Select all
$w3all_post_state_ru = (isset($phpbb_unread_topics) && is_array($phpbb_unread_topics) && array_key_exists($value->topic_id, $phpbb_unread_topics)) ? $w3all_post_state_ru = '<span style="color:red">☚</span>' : '';
Code: Select all
$w3all_post_state_ru = (isset($phpbb_unread_topics) && is_array($phpbb_unread_topics) && array_key_exists($value->topic_id, $phpbb_unread_topics)) ? $w3all_post_state_ru = '<span style="color:#BC2A4D"><i class="fa fa-file-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span>' : '';
Instead of the original red finger point, the "unread" topic icon will now match the original color & FA icon from phpBB3.2 prosilver theme.
Hope someone enjoys this edit I've done for myself. Just sharing!
Another minor change I made, was I moved the ".$w3all_post_state_ru." var in phpbb_last_topics.php to the beginning of the <a> element, so that my FA icon now appears BEFORE the topic title, instead of after. This will need to be done on a few different lines, but should look something like this:
Code: Select all
echo "<li>".$w3all_post_state_ru." <a href=\"".get_home_url()."/index.php/$wp_w3all_forum_folder_wp/?forum_id=$value->forum_id&topic_id=$value->topic_id&post_id=$value->post_id#p$value->post_id\" title=\"Last Post: $value->post_subject\">$value->topic_title</a><br />".__( 'by' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' )." $value->topic_last_poster_name ".__( 'at ' , 'wp-w3all-phpbb-integration' ) . date_i18n( 'H:i M d, Y', $value->topic_last_post_time + ( 3600 * get_option( 'gmt_offset' )) ) ."</li>";