I'm missing something..

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I'm missing something..

Post by jruiz »

Hello guys, I'm testing WordPress w3all phpBB integration 2.9.0

Wordpress 6.6.2 with only 1 user (webmaster id=1)
phpBB 3.3.13 with 3349 users (webmaster id=4287)

Both works ok alone.

But, after w3all intall there is a modification on wp_usermeta table for that user (webmaster)

meta-value wp_capabilities from a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} to a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";i:1;}

The admin (webmaster) lost privileges on Wordpress.
No problem on phpbb3, normal access to ACP, but, if I try access wp-admin I have this message:

Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown property name after \P or \p at offset 10 in C:\xampp\htdocs\jruiz\wp-content\plugins\wp-w3all-phpbb-integration\common\helpers.php on line 49

in this page: http://localhost/jruiz/wp-login.php?red ... F&reauth=1

I change wp_usermeta on phpmyadmin ({s:10:"subscriber";i:1;} to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}), but if login on wordpress the system change automatically to subscriber.

To access Wordpress dashboard I need to change wp_usermeta on phpmyadmin and rename or exclude wp-w3all-phpbb-integration folder

Can you help me?
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Re: I'm missing something..

Post by axew3 »

Did you activated the Switch groups/Roles option?
Because if yes, if the user is recognized as normal Registered user, then it will be set as subscriber into wordpress when the same user will login or visits as logged the WordPress pages.

About this
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown property name after \P or \p at offset 10 in C:\xampp\htdocs\jruiz\wp-content\plugins\wp-w3all-phpbb-integration\common\helpers.php on line 49
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Re: I'm missing something..

Post by axew3 »

the preg_match error is probably given by your old php version?
Anyway testing it into all php versions 7.4> it works fine, i assume you are on some old Php version that cause the issue
like 5.0.5.


Code: Select all

  $ln = Array ( '\p{Arabic}','\p{Armenian}','\p{Bengali}','\p{Latin}' );

  foreach($ln as $ld)

    if( preg_match( '/['.$ld.']/u', $text) ) 
    { echo'ok Latin found'; }
5.0.5 return exactly your error:

Code: Select all

Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown property name after \P or \p at offset 10 in /home/user/scripts/code.php on line 9
Have you never think to update your php?
I advice you that it is time to do it.
This plugin code is suitable for Php 7> as it is written on plugin's features (even if it can be suitable with any older php with really few modifications)
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Re: I'm missing something..

Post by jruiz »

Hi, sorry about delay.

I tested again and found an error in this configuration:

Wordpress 6.6.2 with only 1 user (webmaster id=1)
phpBB 3.3.13 with 3349 users (webmaster id=4287)

By default, the plugin does not transfer the id=1 record from Wordpress and the user in PHPBB (created manually with the same login and email) creates a conflict.

I deleted the user in PHPBB and tested it with other users in Wordpress, it worked perfectly.

I will continue testing and will post the result here, ok?

Thank you for your attention and for your great plugin.
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Re: I'm missing something..

Post by axew3 »

Yes please!

And yes remember that: the user UID 1 (WP installer) and the phpBB UID 2 (installer in phpBB) are NOT linked.
Be sure that these users have an email, even if different, that it need to be for both users (WP ID 1 and phpBB ID 2), an email that is not shared between others users, on both phpBB and WP.

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