Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

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Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by axew3 » Wed Feb 19, 2025 1:22 pm

I did not been notified by this, so forgive me for the answer too late;
wow i am wrong i already answered!
here viewtopic.php?p=6822#p6822 :?
anyway so this is a plus...
- yes you can surely use the uid 1 in WP and the uid 2 in phpBB, using different emails from anyone else or between themself, or they can have the same. Anyway they ARE NOT linked. But you can use these IDS even like admins, if you like.
When you login/out into phpBB/WP anyway, you cannot expect that so the uid 1 in WP will be logged in (or profile updated) when the uid 2 in phpBB login/out or update the profile. And viceversa.

Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by axew3 » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:03 am

As the code is, UID 1 in WP and UID 2 in phpBB are completely excluded.
Be sure that these users are not sharing the same email with some other user, and continue to use as you like (but keep in mind they are not linked).
And/Or just create another admin user in phpBB and WP and that's all.
Or continue to use the UID 1 and 2, but normally, these user's are removed for security reasons, or downgraded to be normal users so to not have an easy target for hackers that maybe try to bruteforce a known admin account. But it is absolutely just a plus, in true the admin account should be secure and protected by other things, and not just the fact that it is not known the admin username.

For what it worth to mention i leaved the one in phpBB (uID 2) to be admin, while the WP uID 1 in WP, is just a subscriber.
axew3 is instead an admin on both, with full (founder) power in phpBB.

Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by badhon_raj » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:42 am

axew3 wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:37 pm Hi! Sorry the delay on answer, Christmas time, work time and also... an Inguinal Hernia :? :D

Yes the user ID 1 in WP and the user ID 2 in phpBB are totally excluded from the integration!
You can create another admin in WP, and set the same user as founder in phpBB, with a founder in phpBB.
Are you commonly using the user with UID2 in phpBB (installer/founder) to post topics or posts? ... n-install/
read all IMPORTANT NOTES (and FAQs)

The phpBB install admin (uid 2) and WP install admin (uid 1), are NOT linked. Be sure that these users have unique email not shared with some other user in phpBB or WP. If installing with any other user that IS NOT WP UID1 default WP install admin, BE SURE that an user with same username and same email exist also in phpBB. Or an user with same email address. So, if user myuser with email is the admin installing the plugin in WP (and it is not the default WP uid 1 install admin) then an user myuser with email need to exists also into phpBB.
Well, it could be easily changed to include the uid1 WP and the uid2 phpBB into the integration, but it can be really useful?
Maybe yes, if the founder is used to post topics and replies. Normally it is not by the way.
Let know!
Thanks for the wonderful extension.

If I wanted to link the uid1 WP and the uid2 phpBB, then how would I do it?
I need this because that account is used for website/forum management and I'd like to have them same login.

Thanks again!

Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by Ezrael » Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:18 pm

Hey! Probably your are right! Because I don't use the User that often so it's manageable. I was just wondering why it happened because it worked, when I setup the phpBB.

Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by axew3 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:37 pm

Hi! Sorry the delay on answer, Christmas time, work time and also... an Inguinal Hernia :? :D

Yes the user ID 1 in WP and the user ID 2 in phpBB are totally excluded from the integration!
You can create another admin in WP, and set the same user as founder in phpBB, with a founder in phpBB.
Are you commonly using the user with UID2 in phpBB (installer/founder) to post topics or posts? ... n-install/
read all IMPORTANT NOTES (and FAQs)

The phpBB install admin (uid 2) and WP install admin (uid 1), are NOT linked. Be sure that these users have unique email not shared with some other user in phpBB or WP. If installing with any other user that IS NOT WP UID1 default WP install admin, BE SURE that an user with same username and same email exist also in phpBB. Or an user with same email address. So, if user myuser with email is the admin installing the plugin in WP (and it is not the default WP uid 1 install admin) then an user myuser with email need to exists also into phpBB.
Well, it could be easily changed to include the uid1 WP and the uid2 phpBB into the integration, but it can be really useful?
Maybe yes, if the founder is used to post topics and replies. Normally it is not by the way.
Let know!

Re: Admin doesn't Login / Logout via W3ALL integration

by Ezrael » Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:28 pm

I check you instructions again and probably I found the issue.. I don't know why but they had a different email address.

I already changed the emails and no other user in the Databank has the same email.

Because its the founder of the phpbb, deleting and transfer isn't an option because this will cause to "no" founder.
Is there any other possibility the reconnect/enable the W3ALL Plugin for this Admin user?
