ok, tested out:
the problem is that the flow do not allow an url request like this
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inside an iframe.
The answer will be like this:
so, why to not resolve with pure javascript, that will try to load the google flow into a separated opened window and then redirect?
Finally, the google oauth flow will redirect to correct URL (setup Authorized redirect URIs on google oauth API to be as my example (of course change to fit your url)
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It work fine, and after first registration/authentication then login, you'll see that at next login, the login is done by phpBB behind the scene, and the login done in iframe, so the above do not happen and do not apply anymore. So nice.
Test it out: use google flow, register, then login ... then logout, then login again
this is the solution that work for any flow i assume, not only google:
may just before the code you added where js code start, so just after
add this
.button2 selector is the css class assigned to the google login button into prosilver theme, may change to fit your)
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$(".button2").on("click", function(event) {
var strWindowFeatures = "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
windowObjectReference = window.open("https://www.axew3.com/www/phpBB3/ucp.php?mode=login&login=external&oauth_service=google", "phpBBOauthFlow", strWindowFeatures);
change on this the URL to fit your
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note that i used
window.open on above example but you would may like to load the page into same tab instead, using so this code and not the above:
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$(".button2").on("click", function(event) {
then, if you also added to force requests to direct phpBB urls to be redirected to the wp iframed page adding the
overall_header.html code, so you need to prevent to reload/redirect the page like this (substantially exclude this url to be reloaded as encoded when the request is for the phpBB oauth flow page),
then change
with this
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let urlck = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
let urlckoauth = urlck.get('login');
if(urlckoauth != 'external'){
Tested here: