WPD – w3all
WordPress Dropbox integration


WPD w3all WordPress plugin for Dropbox, to display and manage shared Dropbox user’s files into WordPress user’s pages.

Display shared Dropbox files, into WordPress user’s pages.
Choose between Full Dropbox App or Folder App.
Ajax images gallery.
Choose which WP groups can use the Dropbox in WordPress.
Limit files in sharing to retrieve and display in WordPress.
Data cache.
Template embed into any WordPress with an easy how to included.
Users can manage their files within WordPress, delete/create folders, link, unlink files and folders, upload and create/link files and folders.

Any other feature on request.

The Dropbox plugin has been installed also here at, and activated for an user named axew3:

Display into WordPress, images from Dropbox, by coping the link of it on WordPress Dropbox user page, and by clicking on WP button
Add Media -> Insert from Url and just paste the URL.

w3tasks dropbox wordpress integration
w3tasks sample logo

Or files just adding pure URL:

Ask for it at

If you like to test the user files manager, which is feature available for each user on his own WordPress Dropbox page, please register into this site, or at, and send a request by using the contact page.