To correctly do an external redirect for domain in phpBB 3> it is required to modify/edit a single file in phpBB:
open with text editor /includes/functions.php
search for the function redirect
function redirect($url, $return = false, $disable_cd_check = false)
inside this function there is this code:
else if (!empty($url_parts['scheme']) && !empty($url_parts['host'])) {
just after this two lines, add the follow:
$disable_cd_check = true;
save and replace phpBB includes/functions.php.
Consider that this solution not meant to redirect to cross-domains and only able to redirect within the same domain if $disable_cd_check is false ( -> will not work).
Another way on the same function redirect of same file includes/functions.php
search for
function redirect($url, $return = false, $disable_cd_check = false) { global $user, $phpbb_path_helper, $phpbb_dispatcher;
immediately after add the following code:
global $request; if( $request->variable('mode', '') == 'login' && isset($_POST["redirect"]) ){ $rwp = trim($_POST["redirect"]); header("Location: $rwp"); exit; }
Maybe a little check to this passed redirect url, if it is coming from WordPress side, or within phpBB, or from a needed specific domain to redirect to should be done (may not).